Stylesheets are that can be used to compose modular styles that can be used on individual widgets. Stylesheet assets on disk are represented by the .stylesheet.nasset asset type and contain JSON metadata.
Stylesheets contain any number of stylesheet entries. Entries contain an array of values that can be queried by widgets at runtime to override default behavior.
Let’s take the example from the as a reference:
is the GUID of the Image Widget type, a simple widget that simply renders an image over its full content area. On instantiation or style change, the image widget type checks if its current style has an entry with GUID 39D72E1B-F4E2-447A-B1E6-CC586F229D48
representing the image.e89a4440-44b7-95c7-c9a1-26bd3152e11d
. The image can widget can then asynchronously load and render that asset when the widget becomes visible.Feedback
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