.fla (Flash Movie Authoring File) – These are editable movies or animations created with Adobe Flash; they are typically exported in .swf format for use on the Web. The FLA file is the editable project file saved by the Flash development program.
.swf (Flash Format File) – Animation created by Adobe Flash. .SWF files are a compressed format exported from the source .FLA, and viewable in most web browsers with the Flash plugin. The .swf file can include text as well as both vector and raster graphics. Will play in web browsers that have the Flash plugin installed. Most Web browsers come with a recent version of the Flash plugin.
.gfx (Compressed Scaleform-converted Flash File) – Scaleform GFx is a lightweight, fast image and vector graphics animation rendering engine, which is designed to take full advantage of modern 3D graphics hardware, yet be compatible with a wide range of systems. To complement the core rendering engine, Scaleform GFx contains a clean-room Flash player implementation allowing game developers to create user interfaces with the award winning Adobe Flash Studio.
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