AR Play

By default all worlds created inside of Sceneri have the ability to be played within the real world. Simply open a game/experience and train the camera to begin playing directly in front of you.

By |2024-07-23T10:53:12-04:00July 14, 2024|0 Comments

AR Creation

Directly create in both a windowed and immersive space. With AR Creation in Sceneri Mini you can swap between either one to design experiences within the world that surrounds you.

By |2024-07-23T10:52:55-04:00July 14, 2024|0 Comments

AR Play

By default all worlds created inside of Sceneri have the ability to be played within the real world. Simply open a game/experience and train the camera to begin playing directly in front of you.

By |2024-07-23T10:10:15-04:00July 6, 2024|0 Comments

AR Creation

Directly create in both a windowed and immersive space. With AR Creation in Sceneri Mini you can swap between either one to design experiences within the world that surrounds you.

By |2024-07-23T10:08:09-04:00July 6, 2024|0 Comments
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