Technical Documentation

Asset System

Last Updated: October 16, 20241.1 min read

Register local assets

In order to test local asset/data changes in the editor, you need to let the asset manager know to use your local assets instead of the ones from the back-end. This guide will show you how to do that. This works for both projects and plugins the same way.
  1. Download / git clone the project or plugin from Github that you want to change. This example will use the Onboarding Project
  2. Copy the path to the downloaded .nproject or .nplugin file
  3. Compile the Project and Asset System or download it
  4. Open a terminal window and navigate to the compiled asset compiler binaries should look something like bin/MacOS/ (from the sceneri root folder on MacOS)
  5. Now run the asset compiler with the following command +register_assets <path to your .nproject or .nplugin file>
  • Full command line example for a project: bin/MacOS/ +register_assets /Users/git/sample-onboarding.nproject/Project.nproject
  1. Now your local assets should be registered and be used the next time you remix/play the project in question.
  2. If you want to check if the local assets were registered correctly check your local documents folder. It should now have a sceneri folder + a local asset database
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